Legal Info
Company Details and Contact
HFS 2025 Organising Committee
- Company name: AMST-Systemtechnik GmbH
- Line of business: Manufacturer of aerospace medical equipment
- VAT no.: ATU56187389
- GLN no.: 9110016439297
- Commercial register number: 224519a
- Commercial register court: Regional court of Ried im Innkreis as commercial court
- Registered office of the company: Ranshofen, political district of Braunau am Inn (Upper Austria)
- Address:
Lamprechtshausener Strasse 63
5282 Ranshofen
Austria - Tel.: +43 7722 892 0
- Fax: +43 7722 892 498
- Email:
- Legal form: Limited liability company
- Directors (authorised representative bodies): Mag. Wolfgang Kloser, Ing. Franz Pflug
- Members of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber: Member of the Economic Chamber of Upper Austria
- Applicable legislation and access to same: examples: Unternehmensgesetzbuch – UGB (Austrian Commercial Code), GmbH-Gesetz – GmbHG (Austrian Law on Companies), Gewerbeordnung – GewO (Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act), available online at
- Supervisory authority according to the Austrian E-Commerce Act: Braunau am Inn District Commission
- Professional group/field: Fachverband Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (Austrian electrical and electronics industry association), Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (Association of Austrian metal technology industries), Landesgremium Maschinen- und Technologiehandel (Provincial machinery and technology trade committee)
- Country of conferment: Austria
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